BabySat: Red Alarms

The FIRST thing you should do if you receive a red alarm is GO CHECK ON YOUR BABY.

If you receive a red alarm, immediately check on your baby. Use your experience as a caregiver to determine if there is a change in your baby’s status that may require intervention and follow any directions provided by your Healthcare Provider.

A red alarm is a high priority alarm that indicates your baby’s Pulse Rate or Oxygen Saturation has fallen outside of the prescribed range set by your baby’s healthcare provider. A red alarm is a loud continuous beeping with a red light on the Base Station, you will receive a push notification on your mobile device and an in-app screen. 

Base Station During Red Alarm

Push Notification for Red Alarm

In-App Notification for Red Alarm

A red alarm is a high priority alarm that indicates your baby’s Pulse Rate or Oxygen Saturation has fallen outside of the prescribed range set by your baby’s healthcare provider. You can see those limits on the home page or under Device Settings>Modify Alarm Settings. Do NOT adjust the settings without the prescribing Healthcare Provider’s direction.

While it is possible that you received a false notification, use your experience as a caregiver to determine if there is a change in your baby’s status that may require intervention and follow any directions provided by your Healthcare Provider.