Cam 2: WiFi Self-Help Tool

Please note that this service is currently only available for USA and Canada customers.

At Owlet, it’s our priority to ensure your Owlet Cam is working at its best.  To help, we have partnered with RouteThis, which specializes in diagnosing home network issues, using their complimentary app. This is a proven solution that will assist you in optimizing your home network and your Cams functionality. 

Please follow the below instructions to download the RouteThis Helps app to run a secure scan of your network and receive improvement recommendations today. It’s Free!

Please Note: Owlet products work with dual-band routers (2.4GHz and 5.0 GHz).

  1. For setup, both your Owlet device and phone or tablet need to be connected on 2.4GHz
  2. Please perform set-up within 10 feet of your router
  3. After setup you may move your phone or tablet back to 5GHz
  4. On some (newer) routers, having a special character in the network name or WiFi password can cause connectivity issues

When should you use RouteThis?

Initial WiFi setup issues.

Cam disconnects from WiFi frequently.

Poor video streaming quality.

A resident of the United States or Canada.


Download and run your first scan

Download on the App Store Get it on Google Play

  1. Tap the above app store icon to download the app for your phone.
  2. Open the RouteThis Helps app, tap Begin, and enter OWLT when prompted.

1. welcomeScreen.jpeg2a. pairing2.jpg

  1. Select the issue you're trying to resolve

4. issueSelect.jpeg5. Move to Router.PNG

  • Device Setup: If you're encountering WiFi issues during the setup of a new device.
  • Device Performance: If your device no longer connects to your network.
  • WiFi Coverage: Verify WiFi strength in your child's room.
  • Other: Something other than what is listed above.

6. scan.jpg

  1. The app will choose the best method to help you diagnose your issue to get your Owlet device performing as expected.