The Base Station is designed to notify you with light and sound if the child’s readings are out of the normal range, if monitoring is interrupted, or if the child is uncomfortable. There are four different Base Station notification priority types: High Priority Notifications (red), Medium Priority Notifications (yellow), Low Priority Notifications (blue), and Lavender Notifications (lavender). If multiple notifications of different priorities are active at the same time, the Base Station will indicate the highest priority active notification.
Note: High Priority Notifications are for Pulse Rate and Oxygen Saturation and require separate activation of the Health Notifications function within the Owlet Dream App.
Notification Color Reference Chart
Notification Definitions
High Priority Notifications
The Health Notifications function is optional and needs to be enabled in the App and will remain enabled until they are manually disabled. The Health Notifications function is indicated for, and only to be used with, healthy infants from 1 month of age up to 18 months of age.
During a High Priority Notification, the Base Station will flash red and play a high notification sound, and you will receive a push notification in the Owlet Dream App. The Pulse Rate notifications will occur when the measured Pulse Rate goes below 50 bpm or above 220 bpm. The Oxygen notification will occur when the measured Oxygen Saturation goes below 80%.
Note that if multiple conditions occur at the same time that would cause a High Priority Notification to occur, the Owlet Dream App will display all of the conditions triggering the notifications.
DREAM SOCK IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR ADULT SUPERVISION OR SAFE SLEEP PRACTICES. Do not rely solely on the notifications to determine if the baby is safe.
Medium Priority Notifications
During a Medium Priority Notification, the Base Station will flash yellow and play a medium notification sound, and you will receive a push notification in the Owlet Dream App. A Medium Priority Notification indicates there is a Sock placement issue or the Sock with Sensor has fallen off of the child’s foot and was unable to get good readings for at least 60 seconds. A Medium Priority Notification may also indicate the Sock with Sensor is out of range of the Base Station or the signal was blocked for at least 60 seconds. The App will be the best resource to direct you on how to address this notification.
Because the human body can act as a barrier to the connection between the Base Station and Sock with Sensor, try not to hold the child with your back facing the Base Station. If Medium Priority Notifications are recurring, move the Sock with Sensor and Base Station closer together to avoid repeated notifications.
Low Priority Notification (Technical notification)
During a Low Priority Notification, the Base Station will be solid blue and play a low notification sound, and you will receive a push notification in the Owlet Dream App. A Low Priority Notification indicates the Sensor battery has 50 minutes of life remaining.
Lavender Notifications
During a Lavender Notification, the Base Station will flash lavender and play a tone, and you will receive a push notification in the Owlet Dream App. A Lavender Notification indicates the child has been moving excessively and for an extended period of time. They may need your help going back to sleep.
Snoozing the Notifications
When there is an active notification of any kind, you can snooze the sound for 60 seconds with a short press on the Base Station or in the Owlet Dream App by clicking the “DISMISS” button on the in-app Notification screen.
Snoozing will only pause the Base Station and App sounds—the light ring will continue to show on the Base Station and details will remain available in the App. The active notification will remain in effect until the condition that caused the notification is resolved. If the initiating event ceases while the notification is snoozed, the notification will stop.
If a new notification occurs while the notification sounds are snoozed, the notification sound will restart.
How do I turn the Base Station and monitoring off?
Press down on the Base Station and hold until the green light turns off and you hear a beep.