How Do I Reconnect My Smart Sock to the Base Station?

If your Smart Sock disconnects from the Base Station (Blue Notification), it may be possible to self-correct the issue. Try the things below to regain a connection:


1. Are you within range of the Base Station?

Depending on your home's setup, building materials, and construction, the effective range between the Owlet Smart Sock and the Base Station will vary, but we recommend a distance of about 10 feet between the Smart Sock and the Base Station, without obstacles like walls, furniture, or people, to ensure a good and consistent connection. If you want to see what the effective range will be in your home, try using the Base Station in a few different locations, moving it closer if you get blue notifications after at least a few minutes of use.  A lot of parents keep the Base Station on their night stand, while others keep the Base Station right in the baby's room (never place the Base Station within reach of the crib).

Verify you are in range by looking at the bottom of the Base Station for the Sock Indicator Light.  To test this, keep the Base Station where you would like to primarily use it, and move the sock on your baby's foot to the locations he or she would potentially sleep.



**You may have to dim the Base Station main light to view the WiFi indicator light.

If the indicator light is lit up, then the Smart Sock is actually connected. (If the app reported the sock disconnected, but it is connected, go ahead and exit the app, force the app to close, and then re-enter the app - this would be due to a refreshing error with the app pinging the cloud-based servers.)


2. Check the battery level on the Smart Sock - if the sock dies, it can alert as disconnected. Open the Owlet App and check the Smart Sock battery gauge under Settings, in the lower left corner.  



                                               (sock plugged in)          (sock in use - not charging)


If needed, re-charge the Smart Sock.  

**You may continue to have Blue Notifications and will not be able to get reads if your Smart Sock battery is dead or dying.


3.  If the Smart Sock is charged, and within range, plug the Smart Sock into the Base Station and do the following to re-pair the sock:

  • Confirm the Base Station is plugged into the wall and the Smart Sock is plugged into the Base Station


  • Turn the Base Station over and you will see two buttons - one small rectangular button, and one large round button - press the small rectangular button three times, within 3 seconds.
  • The unit should chirp/beep.
  • Press the large round button twice within 2 seconds.
  • The unit should chirp/beep again.
  • Wait and leave the sock plugged into the Base Station while it pairs

Confirm the OSS successfully paired by unplugging the sock electronics and looking at the bottom of the Base Station for the Sock Indicator Light.



**You may have to dim the Base Station main light to view the WiFi indicator light.

If the indicator light is lit up, the Smart Sock is actually connected.