Cam 1 Picture in Picture (Beta)

Controls in the video screen allow you to switch to PIP mode. (right of the audio icon) Video viewing section to PIP icon and move the streaming video into PIP mode. Can navigate out of the app or within the Owlet app and video remains. 
PIP screen can be resized PIP screen can be moved Tapping on PIP icon in viewing screen will bring it out of PIP



  1. What app(s) will this work with?
    1. It will work for iOS and Android and be available in both Dream and Care (release dates may differ).
  2. How does this work?
    1. Picture-in-picture (PIP) can be enabled by tapping the PIP icon..
    2. To use picture-in-picture (PiP), tap the icon. You can then navigate outside of the Dream or Care app while the video is playing. If you have the PiP setting turned on, the video will shrink into a PiP window. The PiP window can be dragged to different parts of the screen, allowing playback to continue on top of other apps.
  3. What product/devices will it work with?
    1. Cam1 and Cam2
  4. When will customers get it?
    1. Customers will need to be on the 2.17 iOS and Android build or higher, but it is a beta feature.
  5. Any limitations?
    1. PIP is only available for Dream or Care Versions 2.17+
    2. PIP is only available for Android 8+ or iOS 15+
  6. Known issues or bugs?
    1. There may be some small aesthetic changes that we will make to align the design closer to the app design, but this will not impact the functionality or instructions to use
    2. If the customer has streaming or connectivity issues with the cameras, PIP may not work as intended.
    3. In some cases on the iOS apps playback controls might show on the video but won't have any effect
    4. If a user has background audio turned on, then uses the PIP feature, they may find that after exiting PIP, background audio is off. They may need to scroll down the home page under cam settings and enable cam background audio.

PIP is a beta feature, you may find that you can watch 2 cams by putting one into PIP mode and then going to the other Cam in the app. This user flow has not been thoroughly tested so you may find that PIP or even the app crashes.